Discover our Spring Style 99 Collection
Fabulous eyewear complete with lenses for only
Every frame in our Style99 Spring collection has been carefully selected so you can express your individual style on any occasion. Each pair comes complete with standard single vision reflection free coated lenses. Our talented team are ready and waiting to help you choose your perfect frame, and will take extra care to fit them for absolute comfort too.
The art of dispensing
It's an awful feeling, to fall in love with the look of a pair of glasses, only to get home and find that they hurt you to wear them!
Our dedicated and talented dispensing team are here to make sure that never happens to you. When you're looking for new specs, they'll be on hand not just to tell you honestly what suits you, but also to make sure you find a pair that will be a joy to wear. And when you pick up your complete glasses, they'll be there to make sure they fit like a dream.
And if anything ever goes wrong - if the wear and tear of life causes your glasses to become uncomfortable (or if your colleague sits on them!) just bring them in to one of our practices and we'll get them fitting right for you again.
Join CV Extra Today!
*£50 off ALL complete spectacles purchased
*12 months Interest-free credit
*Invitation to frame events
*Exclusive offers
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